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Replies: 1

To the devs of Jetpack. Your souls are in peril!

You know you will go to hell for this, right? 🙂

<script type=”text/javascript”>
window._wpemojiSettings = {“baseUrl”:”http:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/72×72\/”,”ext”:”.png”,”source”:{“concatemoji”:”http:\/\/www.nrk.no\/mp3\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.3.6″}};
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<style type=”text/css”>
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vertical-align: -0.1em !important;
background: none !important;
padding: 0 !important;

Do you have plans to remove this future releases of jetpack? It hurts my feelings.

Publicize doesn’t work


Replies: 1

It is now 15 days since publicize doesn’t work on my site. I tried to follow your suggestions based on similar problems found on this forum, but i can’t fix the issue. My website is http://www.osservatoreseriale.it

Can you help me?


Publicize not working


Replies: 0

all my publicize to face book twitter google+ and the rest not working says

Jetpack: [auth_failed] Authorization header was malformed

any help please


Subscribers not receiving posts


Replies: 2

Subscribers to one of my sites (including myself) do not receive email notifications of new posts. Two other sites do. The one not working for subscriptions is http://johnswriting.com/wp/. NOTE: The Jetpack widget to send posts from this site to another site doesn’t work either and previous queries about that, Jetpack diagnostics, etc. have been unable to resolve it. I had to do a workaround using another means to get excerpts from posts on this site to appear on the other site. I fully expect that I will need to use Mailchimp, RSS or some other plugin for this issue as well, but I am hoping you might find a solution.

BTW: what is the difference between followers and email followers? Those two columns appear on the Jetpack settings. I am guessing that the latter are non-bloggers who subscribe and the former are those who have WordPress.com connections. For example, my own subscription to the site–done through the signup form on the site, has me on the followers list.

how to remove featured images for Twitter


Replies: 0

I just started using the auto publicize feature on Jetpack which is great, BUT, because it is automatically choosing a featured image when it posts to Twitter, half my title and text gets cut off. How do I disable the featured image function just for Twitter? Any help would be appreciated!

[Resolved] Where did Omnisearch & Stats access go?


Replies: 4

After updating to Jetpack 4.3.x it appears that on my site, the quick direct links to both Omnisearch and Site Stats have vanished from the “Jetpack” entry in the left-hand menu panel.

How do I get these entries back?


[Resolved] Mobile Theme Category Filter not working


Replies: 3

First off, THANK YOU for the very detailed documentation. Being a beginner this makes a HUGE difference.

Next, I searched herein and Googled, and tried everything I can find. If I have missed something obvious here please forgive me and just point me to the correct docs.

Using the Jetpack Mobile Theme. Jetpack is fully updated. I inserted the jetpackme_modify_main_query code as defined on https://jetpack.com/2014/02/26/exclude-a-category-from-mobile-theme/ substituting the proper category ID.

This is very similar to another filter I inserted into functions.php of my child theme to remove all posts of this same category from the desktop homepage. I thought that original filter would also change the Jetpack Mobile Theme, but it didn’t so I found your own code to do this on mobile too.

However, with the Jetpack code inserted into the functions.php of the child theme the desired effect is not realized. Tested on an iPhone and with the Chrome tools on a desktop pretending to be an iPhone 6 Plus.

The main theme is WooRockets WR-Elite which apparently is now unsupported (and funky). Decided to use the Jetpack Mobile Theme because mobile on WR-Elite is all messed up.

Anything you can suggest or point me toward so that I can figure this out would be most appreciated. Hopefully it’s something stupid and we can all point and laugh. Here is the contents of the child theme functions.php file:

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) exit;

// AUTO GENERATED – Do not modify or remove comment markers above or below:

if ( !function_exists( ‘child_theme_configurator_css’ ) ):
function child_theme_configurator_css() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘chld_thm_cfg_child’, trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) . ‘style.css’, array( ‘owl-carousel’,’elite-main’,’elite-responsive’,’elite-pagebuilder’ ) );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘child_theme_configurator_css’ );


// Mike Acton added to eliminate all posts of Category Press Release from displaying on homepage 9-29-16
function exclude_category($query) {
if ( $query->is_home() ) {
$query->set( ‘cat’, ‘-35’ ); //The number 35 corresponds to the ID=35 of the Press Release category
return $query;
add_filter( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘exclude_category’ );
// End added code by Mike Acton

// Mike Acton added to disable Jetpack Related Posts on The Events Calendar single event posts 9-29-16
function jetpackme_no_related_posts( $options ) {
if ( is_singular( ‘tribe_events’ ) ) {
$options[‘enabled’] = false;
return $options;
add_filter( ‘jetpack_relatedposts_filter_options’, ‘jetpackme_no_related_posts’ );
// End added code by Mike Acton

// Mike Acton added to disable Jetpack Mobile Theme posting Press Releases 10-3-16
// From https://jetpack.com/2014/02/26/exclude-a-category-from-mobile-theme/
// Check if we are on mobile
function jetpackme_is_mobile() {

// Are Jetpack Mobile functions available?
if ( ! function_exists( ‘jetpack_is_mobile’ ) )
return false;

// Is Mobile theme showing?
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[‘akm_mobile’] ) && $_COOKIE[‘akm_mobile’] == ‘false’ )
return false;

return jetpack_is_mobile();

// Modify the main query on the home page for the mobile theme.
function jetpackme_modify_main_query( $arg ) {
if ( jetpackme_is_mobile() && is_home() ) {
$arg -> set( ‘cat’, ‘-35’ );
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘jetpackme_modify_main_query’ );
// End added code by Mike Acton

ALso having issues with publicize not posting



Replies: 0

When I deactivate Jetpack on multisite (e.g.to debug another misbehaving plugin) having to reconnect all sites after reactivating is a pain. Any alleviation woukd be well received 🙂

Jetpack sync filling up the wp_options table


Replies: 0


I’m suffering the same problem described here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/jetpack-sync-killing-the-db/.

I noticed my nightly back-ups were rapidly increasing in size. Checking the database, I saw our WP options table – which normally counts ~5k rows – had a whopping ~60k rows, mostly consisting of serialised jpsq_sync values logging every user login, postmeta update, …

The timestamp in the option name indicates the oldest rows date back to August, so maybe the problem is caused by WP 4.6 not automatically deleting old values anymore? Or Jetpack 4.3 going nuts :)?

I deleted all rows containing jpsq_sync yesterday and disabled the ‘Manage’ Jetpack setting, because I thought that was what the syncing values were for. Less than one day later ~4k new rows have been generated. I’m running all the latest plugin updates, except for WooCommerce (still at 2.5.5 because 2.6 breaks some shipping tools for us).

Our website is http://apps.oxfamwereldwinkels.be/crafts/. We’re using a very regular MySQL (InnoDB) database on an Apache server.



Posts not Posting


Replies: 0

Hello, I happen to manage the site Marooners’ Rock. http://www.maroonersrock.com and ever since the last update none of our posts publish on Twitter, Facebook and etc. I’ve tried with the beta plug-in with no luck either. I’ve even tried the beta plug-in with no luck. When will the update fix be pushed to all? I did see on one post one of you did things on your end too for a site.


Infinite Scroll failed to activate. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at p


Replies: 0

Hello, i am getting an error while trying to enable infinite scroll on jetpack. Very annoying issue

Infinite Scroll failed to activate. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

The theme i am using is Understrap. Where would i look in the plugin files to try and remedy this issue

Jetpack Won’t Connect to WordPress.com


Replies: 0

I emailed support and got a single reply the same day, nothing since…here’s what I’ve got so far and I’m running out of ideas. I have like zero coding knowledge so you’ll have to go easy on me with fixing this. Emails pasted below…

Nancy, I’ve now tried just about everything I’ve seen suggested or I could think of on my end. I’ve disabled/enabled jetpack. Deleted and reinstalled the plugin twice. I’ve shut off all the plugins and reactivated them with no effect. I tried switching to the Twenty Sixteen theme and running the connect to wordpress.com routine again with no luck. It always gives me the invalid authorization code error and I’ve seen the secrets mismatch error twice. I’ve had my webhost look at the site and there’s no sign of intrusion. The site itself is running 100% other than not being able to get Jetpack to reconnect.

When we first spoke they had a slew of security measures in place beyond what I’m running on the site that was throwing an error in the log when I tried to connect to WordPress.com. I’ve since had them disable ALL of those security measures and when I tried again it still wouldn’t connect, but they no longer saw the error on the server side with the security measures disabled. My Host is very helpful we just need some idea of where to go from here because we’re running short on ideas.


From: LawnMM <lawnmm@accuracy-tech.com>
Date: Sep 30, 2016 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [#2852692]: [Jetpack] Can’t seem to reconnect my site to wordpress.com
To: support@jetpack.com

XML-RPC is as stated in help, on a line by itself. Switching themes made no difference. I even tried creating a new Jetpack account without any luck.

Debug Info

jQuery version: 1.12.4

CLIENT_ID: 47167722
BLOG_TOKEN: u%2SRr!skexCxEN@kKsHdv3$9)Vk6N9X.nbFh8HzoP@mA5*AAtiMO%j4ODyZx2xP^
VERSION: 4.3.1:1475126099
OLD_VERSION: 4.3.1:1475126099
USER_TOKEN: [this user has no token]
JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR: /home/accura25/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/
SITE_URL: http://www.accuracy-tech.com
HOME_URL: http://www.accuracy-tech.com

Jetpack Sync Full Status: `Array
[started] => Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000
[queue_finished] => Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000
[sent_started] => Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000
[finished] => Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000
[sent] => Array

[queue] => Array

[config] => Array

[total] => Array

Next Jetpack Full Sync Schedule: Not Scheduled
Sync Queue size: 1
Sync Queue lag: 1 day, 17 hours, 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Full Sync Queue size: 0
Full Sync Queue lag: 0 seconds

HTTP_HOST: http://www.accuracy-tech.com
PROTECT_TRUSTED_HEADER: {“trusted_header”:”REMOTE_ADDR”,”segments”:1,”reverse”:false}




[headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
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[body] => OK
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[headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object
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[status_code] => 200
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[success] => 1
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[url] => http://jetpack.wordpress.com/jetpack.test/1/
[history] => Array

[cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object
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[filename:protected] =>
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[headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
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[x-hacker] => Jetpack Test
[content-encoding] => gzip
[x-ac] => 3.dca _dca
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000


[body] => OK
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[code] => 200
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[cookies] => Array

[filename] =>
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[filename:protected] =>
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[headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
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[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000


[body] => {“error”:”Communication error”,”error_description”:”We were unable to make an XML-RPC request to your website. Please make sure that XML-RPC is turned on and that Jetpack is installed, activated and connected with your WordPress.com account.”}
[response] => Array
[code] => 400
[message] => Bad Request

[cookies] => Array

[filename] =>
[http_response] => WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object
[response:protected] => Requests_Response Object
[body] => {“error”:”Communication error”,”error_description”:”We were unable to make an XML-RPC request to your website. Please make sure that XML-RPC is turned on and that Jetpack is installed, activated and connected with your WordPress.com account.”}
[raw] => HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 23:05:04 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: close
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Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60
X-hacker: Jetpack Test
X-ac: 3.dca _dca
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000

{“error”:”Communication error”,”error_description”:”We were unable to make an XML-RPC request to your website. Please make sure that XML-RPC is turned on and that Jetpack is installed, activated and connected with your WordPress.com account.”}
[headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object
[data:protected] => Array
[server] => Array
[0] => nginx

[date] => Array
[0] => Fri, 30 Sep 2016 23:05:04 GMT

[content-type] => Array
[0] => text/plain;charset=utf-8

[expires] => Array
[0] => Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT

[cache-control] => Array
[0] => no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60

[x-hacker] => Array
[0] => Jetpack Test

[x-ac] => Array
[0] => 3.dca _dca

[strict-transport-security] => Array
[0] => max-age=15552000



[status_code] => 400
[protocol_version] => 1.1
[success] =>
[redirects] => 0
[url] => https://jetpack.wordpress.com/jetpack.testsite/1/?url=http://www.accuracy-tech.com/xmlrpc.php
[history] => Array

[cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object
[cookies:protected] => Array



[filename:protected] =>
[data] =>
[headers] =>
[status] =>


From: LawnMM <lawnmm@accuracy-tech.com>
Date: Sep 29, 2016 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [#2852692]: [Jetpack] Can’t seem to reconnect my site to wordpress.com
To: support@jetpack.com

The Host said they were seeing a Mod security error mentioning xml-rpc. They disabled their mod security and I still wasn’t able to get Jetpack to connect.

Can you look again at whatever you did on your end and see if it looks any different than last time.

On my end I’ve tried disabling Wordfence, WP Super Cache, etc. without any luck. I deleted Jetpack and reinstalled, same error.

I’ve also seen this error…

Jetpack: [verify_secrets_mismatch] Secret mismatch

Thanks for the help!


On 2016-09-29 22:30, Nancy – WordPress.com wrote:
Hi there,

Error Details
Jetpack: [invalid_grant] Error Details: Invalid authorization_code.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong here? Tried disabling two step authentication on
Wordpress.com, still no go…

Thanks for getting in touch.

It seems that we’re having trouble communicating with your site via
XML-RPC. Could you contact your host to make sure they’re not blocking
WordPress.com’s connection to your site via XML-RPC?

Let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, I’ll wait to hear
back from you!


Happiness Engineer | Automattic

Need to Modify JetPack Contact Form – Move Text Down and Add Horizontal Line


Replies: 0

When we receive the email from the JetPack contact form, we see the following:

Name: Test Jetpack
Email: test@test.com
Telephone: 250-250-5555
Subject: Test Jetpack
Comment: Test bottom line
Message text
Message text

Time: October 4, 2016 at 12:14 PM
IP Address: (IP address shows here)
Contact Form URL: (Contact Form Website URL)
Sent by a verified "(Website Title)" user.

Notice the message text should start under the word “Comment” AND there is no dividing line between the end of the “Comment” message and the start of the message data (Time, IP Address etc).

A dividing line, like a <hr /> would round off this message perfectly. Otherwise it gives the reading impression things are bulked together and far too busy.

Where can we move the message text below “Comment”, and add a dividing line that looks like this below?

Test bottom line
Message text
Message text
Message text
Message text

Time: October 4, 2016 at 12:14 PM
IP Address: (IP address shows here)
Contact Form URL: (Contact Form Website URL)
Sent by a verified "(Website Title)" user.

This way it is far more organized and easier on the eye and brain to read.

  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 33 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: fixed layout
  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 31 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: fixed layout
  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 30 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: grammar
  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 29 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: grammar
  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 27 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: grammar
  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 26 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: grammar
  • This topic was modified 23 hours, 25 minutes ago by  Mark. Reason: grammar

Disabled Mobile Theme – nothing changed


Replies: 0

Hello, I’ve poked around Jetpack and saw the Mobile Theme option. So obviously, being a nosey person, I’ve activated it and my mobile’s version is currently in a mess. I know that can be changed, however due to lack of time and resources, I wanted to get back to the older version. So – i’ve deactivated the mobile theme, cleared cache but the mobile version is still the same. I even deactivated the jetpack plugin, but everything stays the same. Is there anything else I need to do to get back to my initial mobile version?


Blank page on Jetpack


Replies: 0

So I get this message on my dashboard: “unknown_token: It looks like your Jetpack connection is broken. Try disconnecting from WordPress.com then reconnecting.”

I tried reconnecting, but when I do I end up on a blank page.
I’ve tried on Chrome, Explorer and Firefox.
I’ve tried deleting the plugin from ftp and reinstalling it, didn’t changed anything.
Tried to flush my cloudflare cache and I also tried the development mode to avoid caching issues.

I’m out of ideas, any suggestions?

Issues with certain surnames & sharing


Replies: 0

Hi guys

If I share a post via email under a username with O’ in the surname, for example O’Connor I get the following email:

Eliz O\’Connor (elesia.oconnor@******.com) thinks you may be interested in the following post:

Notice the \ that appears in O’Connor

How do I remove that please?


  • This topic was modified 11 hours, 57 minutes ago by  johnegg.

Publicize posts set as “Non public” on G+?


Replies: 0

When we share posts on our G+ page via Publicize, the posts show up as “only visible to you/page owner”.

How come? This started after reconnecting to the G+ page recently (~2 weeks ago). How do I change the default option to “share with everyone/public”?

I’ve tried to reconnect to our G+ page without any success, every post we share simply show up as “private”.

  • This topic was modified 9 hours, 34 minutes ago by  eventorism.
  • This topic was modified 9 hours, 34 minutes ago by  eventorism.
  • This topic was modified 9 hours, 32 minutes ago by  eventorism.
  • This topic was modified 9 hours, 32 minutes ago by  eventorism.

Connect Problem?


Replies: 0

cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 0 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received

error_code seçeneğiniz olarak ayarlandı; ancak WordPress.com bağlantınız bunu -10520 olarak listeliyor!

cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 0 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received

vs vs vs.

JetPack will not connect to WP.com


Replies: 0

I connected 3 out of 5 WP.org sites with JP to WP.com. The remaining two can’t be connected. All five use the same plugins and Themes.I checked with my hosting provider and they gave me the all clearance that nothing on their end is blocking the connection.

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